Barbara Braden
Nancy Bergstrom
BS (Braden Scale)
Medir e avaliar o risco de aparecimento de úlceras de pressão
Qualquer condição de saúde com grandes alterações do estado geral
Preenchido pelo profissional
Braden, Barbara; Bergstrom, Nancy. A conceptual schema for the study of the etiology of pressure sores. Rehab Nurs; 1987. 12(1): 8-16.
Braden, Barbara et al. Predicting pressure ulcer risk. A multisite study of the predictive validy of the braden scale. Nursing Research, 1998. 47(5):261-269.
Bergstrom, Nancy; Braden, Barbara. Predictive Validity of the Braden Scale Among Black and White Subjects. Nursing Research, 2002. 51(6):398-403.