JoAnn Maklebust
Nancy A Stotts
David R Thomas et al.
PUSH (Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing)
Avaliação contínua das úlceras de pressão e acompanhamento dos efeitos do tratamento.
Qualquer condição de saúde que provoque ferida crónica
Adultos ou idosos
Preenchido pelo profissional de saúde
Maklebust J. PUSH tool reality check: audience response. Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing. AdvWound Care. 1997; 10(5):102-6.
Stotts NA, Rodeheaver GT. Thomas DR, Frantz RA, Bartolucci M, Sussman C. Ferrell BA, Cuddigan J, Maklebust J. An instrument to measure healing in pressure ulcers: Development and validation of the PressureUlcer Scalefor Healing (PUSH). J Gerontology: Medical Sciences.2001; 56A(12): M795-M799.
Thomas DR. Rodeheaver GT. Bartolucci AA. Franz RA, Sussman C. Ferrell BA. Cuddigan J, Stotts NA, Maklebust J. Pressure ulcer scale for healing: Derivation and validation of the PUSH tool. AdvWound Care 1997; 10(5): 96-101.