John Ware JR
Mark Kosinski
Carl Dahlöf
Jakob Bjorner
HIT-6 (Headache Impact Test – 6 Item)
Medir o impacto da cefaleia na vida do indivíduo
Cefaleia, enxaqueca
Jovens, adultos e idosos
Preenchido pelo doente
Ware Jr JE, Kosinski M, Dahlof C, Bjorner JB. Validity of HIT-6, a paper-based short form for measuring headache impact. Cephalalgia, 2001; 21:333(Abstract).
Ware Jr JE, Kosinski M, Bayliss M, Bjorner JB, Batenhorst A, Dahlof CG, Tepper S, Dowson A. Applications of computerized adaptative testing (CAT) to the assessment of headache impact. Quality of Life Research, 2003; 12(8):935-52.
Bjorner JB, Kosinski M, Ware Jr. JE. Calibration of an item pool for assessing the burden of headaches: An application of the item response theory to the Headache Impact Test (HIT). Quality of Life Research, 2003(8); 12:913-33.