Keith Meadows
Nick Steen
Elaine McColl et al.
DHP (Diabetes Health Profile)
Medir e avaliar a disfunção psicossocial e comportamental em indivíduos com diabetes.
Diabetes mellitus tipo I; Diabetes mellitus tipo II
Jovens, adultos e idosos
Preenchido pelo doente
Meadows KA, Brown K, Hones H, Thompson C, Wise PH. An instrument for screening psychosocial problems in IDDM patients: initial findings. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 1988; 5 (suppl 1).
Meadows KA, Brown K, Thompson C, Wise PH. The diabetes Health Profile (DHP): preliminary validation of a new instrument. Diabet Med 1989; 6 (Suppl2).
Meadows K, Steen N, McColl E. Eccles M, Shiels C, Hewison J, Hutchinson A. The Diabetes Health Profile (DHP): A new instrument for assessing the psychosocial profile of insulin requiring patients development and psychometric evaluation. Qual Life Res 1996; 5: 242--54.