Anthony V Perruccio
L Stefan Lohmander
Mayilee Canizares et al.
KOOS-PS (Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score – Physical function short form)
Medir e avaliar alterações na função física por problemas no joelho.
Osteoartrose do joelho; artroplastia do joelho; outros problemas do joelho
Jovens, adultos e idosos
Preenchido pelo doente
Perruccio AV, Stefan Lohmander L, Canizares M, Tennant A, Hawker GA, Conaghan PG, et al. The development of a short measure of physical function for knee OA KOOS-Physical Function Shortform (KOOS-PS) e an OARSI/OMERACT initiative. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 2008; 16(5):542-50.
Gossec L, Hawker G, Davis AM, Maillefert JF, Lohmander LS, Altman R, et al. OMERACT/OARSI initiative to define states of severity and indication for joint replacement in hip and knee osteoarthritis. J Rheumatol 2007; 34(6):1432-5.