Stephen Hauser
David Dawson
James Lehrich et al.
HAI (Hauser Ambulation Index)
Medir e avaliar a marcha.
Pode ser aplicado em qualquer doença, perturbação ou lesão que afete a funcionalidade do membro inferior, principalmente em condições neurológicas
Preenchido pelo profissional
Hauser SL, Dawson DM, Lehrich JR, Beal MF, Kevy SV, Propper RD, Mills JA,Weiner.HL. Intensive immunosuppression in progressive multiple sclerosis. A randomized three-arm study of high-dose intravenous cyclophosphamide, plasma exchange, and ACTH. New England Journal of Medicine, 1983 Jan 27; 308(4):173-80.
Wade DT. Measurement in Neurological Rehabilitation. Oxford University Press, 1992. ISBN 0-19-261954-3.
Vaney C, Blaurock H, Gatter B et al. Assessing mobility in multiple sclerosis using the Rivermead Mobility Index and gait speed. Clinical Rehabilitation, 1996; 10:216-26.