William Boyce
Carolyn Gowland
Susan Hardy et al.
GMPM (Gross Motor Performance Measure)
Medir e avaliar o desempenho motor global e suas alterações em crianças com Paralisia Cerebral.
Paralisia Cerebral
Crianças entre os 5 meses e os 12 anos
Preenchido pelo profissional de saúde
Boyce, W, Gowland, C, Hardy, S, et al. The Development a Quality-of Movement Measure for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Phys Ther. 1991; 71(11):820-32.
Gowland, C, Boyce, W, Wright, V et al. Reliability of the Gross Motor Performance Measure. Phys Ther. 1995; 75(7):597-602.
Boyce WF, Gowland C, Rosenbaum PL, et al. The Gross Motor Performance Measure: Validity and Responsiveness of a measure of quality-of movement. Phys Ther. 1995; 75(7):603-13.